++++My Collection++++
++++++++HearItFirst.com New Music Sampler 2001 (2001) ++++++++++++"With All of My Heart" (ZOEgirl) ++++++++++++"My Ever My All" (Steve) ++++++++++++"All Over Me" (The Benjamin Gate) ++++++++++++"Radiate" (Andy Hunter) ++++++++++++"Dream" (Michelle Tumes) ++++++++++++"Once" (Londa Larmond) ++++++++++++"Without You" (Phat Chance) ++++++++++++"Pressing On" (Relient K) ++++++++++++"On My Own" (The Normals) ++++++++++++"God of Wrath" (David Crowder Band) ++++++++++++"Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble?" (Delirious?) ++++++++++++"Send Revival (Start with Me)" (Petra) ++++++++++++"Here I Am to Worship" (Tim Hughes) ++++++++++++Newsboys SNEAK PEAK
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